GCGlib  0.04.228
GCG Graphics Engine


#define GCG_SUCCESS   0
 Successful operation. To report a successful operation, call gcgReport(GCG_SUCCESS). GCGlib NEVER reports successful operations for performance purposes. More...
#define GCG_ERROR   1
 Indicate an error code.
#define GCG_WARNING   2
 Indicate a warning code.
 Indicate an information code.

Detailed Description

Report types identify if the report is an error, warning or information. The user can enable or disable logging for any type separately by using gcgEnableReportLog(). By default, only the type GCG_ERROR is enabled and reported. In development time, it is also interesting to enable information messages (GCG_INFORMATION) and, most importantly, warnings (GCG_WARNING).


Macro Definition Documentation


#define GCG_SUCCESS   0

Successful operation. To report a successful operation, call gcgReport(GCG_SUCCESS). GCGlib NEVER reports successful operations for performance purposes.
