GCGlib  0.04.228
GCG Graphics Engine


 Memory management reports.
 Network management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_FILE   10
 File management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_IMAGE   11
 Image management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_CAMERA   12
 Camera management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_VIDEO   13
 Video management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_THREAD   14
 Thread management reports.
 Graphics reports.
 Geometry reports.
 Algebra reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_CONFIG   18
 Configuration reports.
 Data structure reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_SIGNAL   20
 Signal management reports.
#define GCG_DOMAIN_USER   21
 User defined reports.
#define GCG_REPORT_ALL   -1
 Indicates all types and domains. It is an exclusive macro for gcgEnableReportLog(). Any negative values used with these functions indicate all types and domains. By default, only errors are enabled to be logged. To enable warnings and information, call gcgEnableReportLog(GCG_WARNING, true) and gcgEnableReportLog(GCG_INFORMATION, true).

Detailed Description

Domains used by GCGlib for reporting errors, warnings or information. Reports issued by GCGlib are showed using gcgOutputLog(). The user can enable or disable logging for any domain separately using gcgEnableReportLog(). This helps programmers to receive textual messages only for the desired functionalities. By default, only the type GCG_ERROR is enabled to be logged. To enable warnings and information, call gcgEnableReportLog(GCG_WARNING, true) and gcgEnableReportLog(GCG_INFORMATION, true). This is highly recommend during development to find possible errors by inspecting GCGlib returned messages.