GCGlib  0.04.228
GCG Graphics Engine


#define GCG_NONE   0
 Successful operation.
 Allocation error.
 Attempt to use an invalid object.
 Bad parameters.
#define GCG_INITERROR   4
 Initialization problem.
 General internal problem.
#define GCG_TIMEOUT   6
#define GCG_IOERROR   7
 Input/output problem.
 Format mismatch.
 Unrecognized format.
 Unsupported format.
 Unsupported operation.
 Information retrieval problem.
#define GCG_READERROR   13
 General error reading or receiving.
#define GCG_WRITEERROR   14
 General error writing or sending.
 Current object is not connected.
#define GCG_SOCKETERROR   16
 General socket problem.
#define GCG_SELECTERROR   17
 An error occurred in select()
 Connection closed by remote peer.
 Host not found.
 General connection problem.
 An error occurred in setsocketopt()
#define GCG_BINDERROR   22
 An error occurred in bind()
#define GCG_LISTENERROR   23
 An error occurred in listen()
#define GCG_ACCEPTERROR   24
 An error occurred in accept()
#define GCG_EXCEPTION   25
 An exception was caught.
 Accepting with a bad pointer address or too small buffer.
 Connection refused by host.
 Connection aborted: data transmission time-out or protocol problem.
 Sending with a bad pointer address or too small buffer.
 Receiving with a bad pointer address or too small buffer.
 Cannot send messages after shutdown.
 Cannot receive messages after shutdown.
 Invalid socket.
 Stream control error.
 Already running.
 Creation failure.
 Mutex failure.
 Semaphore failure.
#define GCG_NOBUFFER   39
 No buffer space available or queue full.
 Job not executed.
#define GCG_INTERRUPTED   41
 Interrupted by extern signal.
 This object was active and is now disconnected.
#define GCG_STOPERROR   43
 Process, thread or job could not be stoped.
#define GCG_NOTRUNNING   44
 Process, thread or job is not running.
#define GCG_EXITFAILURE   45
 Object did not exit properly.
 Resource release error.
#define GCG_LOCKERROR   47
 Lock was not acquired.
 Object is not owned by the caller.
 Removal error.
 Data was not stored.
#define GCG_OPENERROR   51
 Open error.
#define GCG_DECODEERROR   52
 Decode error.
 Function call failed.
 Graphics system error.
 Incompatibility error.
#define GCG_CONFIGERROR   56
 Error configuring request.
 Unavailable resource.
#define GCG_STARTERROR   58
 Start error.
#define GCG_OUTOFBOUNDS   59
 Out of bounds.
#define GCG_ENDOFSTREAM   60
 End of stream.
 Operation failed.
#define GCG_MEMORYLEAK   62
 Memory leak detected.
 Insertion failed.
#define GCG_ADAPTING   64
 Adapting to new conditions.
#define GCG_UNDEFINED   65
 Undefined error.

Detailed Description